Project 57: Lacombe Research

Student Name(s): Sarah

School: Ecole Lacombe Junior High School

Grade: 7


Research Topic / Main Questions:

The Lacombe Research and Development Center, how have they established over the years?

Why did you choose this topic:

My family has rich acculturate history and we are still a farming family today, I wanted to learn how the acculturate community has been evolving with the help of the research.

Please summarize your experience in researching this project?

At the start I though the Lacombe research station was new and only tested on animals, now after doing this project I’ve learned many things I didn’t know and made me really appreciate the farming community and all the work that goes into it.

How did you personally connect to this project?

The Lacombe Research Station is in my town and when we go and buy our meats, or seeds for farming I know that the center has helped develop it. When I grow up I wish I will have the opportunity to become a farmer myself.

What are your conclusions about your topic?

The Lacombe research center has helped acculturate production and innovation for a hundred years, because of them we now can has extremely successful crops and meat production that helps feed the world.

Project 65: Family Farm

Student Name(s): Lane

School: Ecole Lacombe Junior High School

Grade: 7


Research Topic / Main Questions:

Who were my ancestor’s

Why did you choose this topic:

Personal Connection

Please summarize your experience in researching this project?

I thought ancestor’s were from Britian not Russia

How did you personally connect to this project?

It connects to my family

What are your conclusions about your topic?

It was my family that came from Russia

Project 55: Angelina Napolitano

Student Name(s): Ghina

School: Edmonton Islamic Academy

Grade: 6


Research Topic / Main Questions:

Who was the first Canadian ax killer?

Why did you choose this topic:

I choose this project for various reasons, one of which is that Angelina Napolitano was the first woman in Canada to use the battered woman defense and was also one of the first Canadian ax killers. No woman before Angelina Napolitano had the courage to use the battered woman defense, but Angelina Napolitano changed that, she is a role model to all women out there. I want to carry on Angelina Napolitano’s legacy by sharing her story and promoting women’s safety.

Please summarize your experience in researching this project?

While I was researching about this project, I noticed a sift in my Worldview as it came to my realization of how women are treated in this society and how that is not okay. Women contribute to our society, just as much as men do, and thanks to Angelina Napolitano  I develop the courage to speak and share my thoughts. Before I heard about Angelina Napolitano, I wasn’t the type to speak up about what matters most but as I learned more about her and what she did for women around this world, I have learned that I need to spread awareness and take a stand for my fellow women.

How did you personally connect to this project?

I personally connect to this project, this is because I am a young woman in today’s society. I believe that a woman’s safety should be a high priority. Being a woman who has the power to fight for what is right is mainly due to Angelina Napolitano.

What are your conclusions about your topic?

The number one main conclusion to my project is the impact Angelina Napolitano had on all women in society. Angelina Napolitano encouraged many females to be courageous and advocate for what is right through their very extreme tactics. No women in society ever had the strength to use the battered women’s defense but Angelina Napolitano did. Knowing this, Angelina concluded her life with a good inspiration to many other women.

Project 53: Connecting to First Nations

Student Name(s): Diala & Sareen

School: Edmonton Islamic Academy

Grade: 4


Research Topic / Main Questions:

Why is the environment important to first nations?
Did First Nations have in relationships with nature?
What is Head smash in Buffalo?
What is the Fur Trade?
What is a tipi and what does it have inside?
Did First Nations have any traditions and cultures?

Why did you choose this topic:

We picked this project because this year, in Grade 4, we are learning more about, The First Nation People. We want to share our knowledge and bring awareness among people, about their life styles and in particular, their dependence on nature.

Please summarize your experience in researching this project?

In the first semester, in Social studies, we learnt about different regions including Boreal Forest Region. The good thing about this book is that it is taught through the experiences of few students who are from different backgrounds. I remember in the Boreal Forest Region, how the First Nation people used nature and in particular, the forest which satisfied them with their basic needs. Later, in the 2nd semester, we started learning the First Nation people in detail. There was no need to do lots of research as the content was available in our textbook itself.

How did you personally connect to this project?

We are very much inspired by the First Nation People and also connect to them from our own religion i.e Islam. As a community and in particular, in our families, we also show respect to our elders, share responsibilities, be satisfied with what we have, and care for nature too!

What are your conclusions about your topic?

As grade 4 students, we have learned how the First Nation people appreciated and respected nature.
In today’s world, even though we have so many facilities and comfort in our lives, still we are not happy.
Our world is always facing problems due to land, water and air pollution.
If we follow the guidelines of the First Nation as to how they took care of nature, used only what was needed and shared with others with what they have, we can also save this world by making it a better place.

We put our project below in Bibliography

Project 54: Laura Secord

Student Name(s): Dalia

School: Edmonton islamic academy

Grade: 4


Research Topic / Main Questions:

I am researching about Laura Secord/Why did she warn the british?Why is she famous?

Why did you choose this topic:

Laura Secord is a famous heroine in canada

Please summarize your experience in researching this project?

I heard this project from a video at school

How did you personally connect to this project?

I heard it at school i never heard of a female hero

What are your conclusions about your topic?

If Laura Secord did not warn the british canada would not have the same boreder as we have now

Project 52: How did West Edmonton Mall become such a big part in Canadian history?

Student Name(s): Ola

School: Edmonton Islamic Academy

Grade: 6


Research Topic / Main Questions:

What is West Edmonton Mall? The founding of West Edmonton Mall? How many phases did West Edmonton Mall go through? What stores are in West Edmonton Mall? Why is West Edmonton Mall so important to Canada?

Why did you choose this topic:

Because I really like to shop at West Edmonton Mall and I always wondered how its so important to Canadian history.

Please summarize your experience in researching this project?

It was pretty hard to find some information and songs. I found out many things about West Edmonton Mall and its creators.

How did you personally connect to this project?

Because I love to shop and go to West Edmonton Mall

What are your conclusions about your topic?

My conclusion for why West Edmonton Mall is important to Canadian history is because its a huge tourist attraction and attracts many tourists.

Project 51: William Kidd and Oak Island

Student Name(s): Noorhan

School: Edmonton Islamic Academy

Grade: 6


Research Topic / Main Questions:

Who was William Kidd?
What is Oak Island?

Why did you choose this topic:

Because I wanted to do something about a pirate and once I heard about William Kidd and Oak Island it caught my attention.

Please summarize your experience in researching this project?

The more I researched about this topic the more it challenged me to dig deep for information.

How did you personally connect to this project?

I really enjoy pirates and how they lived what they buried and what challenges they went through.

What are your conclusions about your topic?

He has affected the lives of many by giving them a thriller to hunt for the buried treasure.

Project 50: Terry Fox

Student Name(s): Leena

School: Edmonton Islamic Academy

Grade: 5


Research Topic / Main Questions:

Who is Terry Fox and what did he do?

Why did you choose this topic:

I chose to do Terry Fox because what he did amazed me and I wanted to learn more about him.

Please summarize your experience in researching this project?

Doing this project made me learn things that I didn’t already know about Terry Fox..

How did you personally connect to this project?

Every year at school, we do something called Sparks Run. Being involved in that run makes me relate to Terry Fox.

What are your conclusions about your topic?

Terry’s story taught me that anything is possible if you put your mind to it! I don’t think anyone would want to run across Canada! They’d think it’s not possible! But he wanted to do the impossible to show that it can be done!

Project 49: David Suzuki Canada’s Environmentalist

Student Name(s): Abdallah

School: Edmonton Islamic Academy

Grade: 5


Research Topic / Main Questions:

Who is David Suzuki? How is he important? How can we learn from his work and accomplishments?

Why did you choose this topic:

I picked David Suzuki as my topic because he is a very well known environmentalist. He cares about nature and animals and he tries to help whenever he can. He cares about the planet we live on and wants to keep it green for generations to come. He inspires me and all of us to take more care of our planet.

Please summarize your experience in researching this project?

In this project I have gathered my information from various websites such as Wikipedia, EcoMENA, The Canadian Encyclopedia, Blogs, and Wikipedia and the Canadian Encyclopedia has taught me about who David Suzuki is and what he is known for. Also, Wikipedia had the most information for my project and was the most useful. EcoMENA has taught me about an Islamic connection to the environment and how God likes people who keep themselves clean. has taught me about David S Suzuki’s childhood and relationship with his dad. had some was a timeline of David Suzuki’s life and important events. As well, a book called The David Suzuki Reader A Lifetime of Ideas from a Leading Activist and Thinker is a book David put all his unpublished essays in to a book. It inspires me that over the past 25 years he wrote all those essays, worked hard, and never gave up.

How did you personally connect to this project?

This project relates relates to me because I love learning and taking care of nature. I care about how many trees we are cutting down and how much garbage we are throwing in the sea and he does too. We both want to keep this place clean and green for everybody.

What are your conclusions about your topic?

In conclusion David Suzuki is a successful Canadain academic and environmentalist. He wants to help and learn about the environment in any way he can. He is still helping the environment today and will not stop until he dies.

Project 48: Terry Fox: A story of Hope

Student Name(s): Zayed

School: Edmonton Islamic Academy

Grade: 4


Research Topic / Main Questions:

Who started the Terry Fox run and why?

Why did you choose this topic:

In grade 2 we learned about Terry so now it inspired me to do a topic about him.

Please summarize your experience in researching this project?

I was feeling proud of myself. Now I’m confident to win.

How did you personally connect to this project?

I said my name in the first slide.

What are your conclusions about your topic?

In conclusion Terry became a hero and raised $800 million.